Members List

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Subject Track Subject Area Selected for
DrLúciaPomboUniversity of Aveiro, CIDTFFPortugalSocial SciencesMobile augmented reality educational gamesBest Researcher Award
DrAnaCarvalhoUniversidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD)PortugalAgricultural and Biological SciencesPlant Cytogenetics and Molecular GeneticsBest Researcher Award
MrMohamedHassonaQur'anic Botanic GardenQatarAgricultural and Biological SciencesCrop ScienceExcellence in Scientific Innovation Award
DrNooraAl-QahtaniQatar UniversityQatarEnvironmental Scienceenvironmental and sustainable technologiesBest Researcher Award
Assist Prof DrKamranBhattiHmcQatarHealth ProfessionsurologyBest Scholar Award
Assist Prof DrTarrynPaquetQatar UniversityQatarSocial SciencesTown and regional planningBest Researcher Award
Prof DrMajedaKhraishehQatar UniversityQatarChemical Engineeringwater and wastewaterBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrDoruBănăducLucian Blaga University of SibiuRomaniaEnvironmental ScienceAquatic environmentBest Researcher Award
DrElisabetaNegrauRomanian Academy, G Oprescu Art History Institute, Department of Medieval ArtRomaniaArts and HumanitiesByzantine Studies, Art HistoryBest Researcher Award
Prof DrAdriana-MarianaBORSINOE2000-IHPRomaniaEnvironmental Sciencepolymeric protective paint coatings (epoxy and polyurethane) appliedBest Researcher Award
DrRoxana AndraComanEndoplus ClinicRomaniaMedicine and Health SciencesLaser therapyBest Researcher Award
DrVlaicuPetru AlexandruNational Research and Development Institute for Animal Biology and NutritionRomaniaBiology and Life SciencesFeed and Food ScienceBest Researcher Award
DrVlaicuPetru AlexandruNational Research and development Institute for Animal Biology and NutritionRomaniaAgricultural Science and InnovationFeed and Food QualityYoung Scientist Award
DrDiana-IoanaGavraFaculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University of OradeaRomaniaMedicine and Health SciencesPsoriasisBest Researcher Award
MrsCARINABALCOSUMPh Grigore T.Popa IasiRomaniaDentistrySurgery, EpidemiologyBest Researcher Award
ProfGabiDrochioiuUniversitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza of IasiRomaniaAgricultural and Biological SciencesFood ChemistryBest Researcher Award
Prof DrCristianaRadulescuValahia University of Targoviste/Academy of Romanian ScientistsRomaniaAgricultural and Biological SciencesEnvironmental ChemistryExcellence Award (Any Scientific field)
Assoc Prof DrMARICICASTOICADunărea de Jos” University of GalatiRomaniaEngineeringFood engineeringWomen Researcher Award
ProfGABRIELANDREIUniversitatea "Dunarea de Jos" din GalatiRomaniaEngineeringPower transmission, mechanisms, CAD/CAM/CAE, polymer composites, nanocomposites, renewable energyExcellence in Research
Prof DrElena SiminaLakatosInstitute for Research in Circular Economy and Environment "Ernest Lupan"RomaniaEnvironmental Sciencecircular economyBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Subject Track Subject Area Selected for