Members List

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country 
Assoc Prof DrAmelkouaibKing faisaluniversityTunisia
Prof DrYounesHamedGafsa UniversityTunisia
Prof DrMoniaEL BourInstitut National des Sciences et Technologies deTunisia
ProfNACEURMHAMDINational Agronomic Institute of Tunisia, Unversity of CarthageTunisia
Prof DrahlematouiInstitut des Regions Arides.Tunisia
Assoc Prof DrİlyasBOLATBartin Universty, Forest FacultyTurkey
Prof DrTamerAlbayrakDepartment of Mathematics and Science Education, Buca Faculty of EducationTurkey
DrElifYıldırımKonya Technical UniversityTurkey
Assoc Prof DrHakanGürsuMETUTurkey
Assist Prof DrErdemAktosunIzmir Katip Celebi UniversityTurkey
Assoc Prof DrAysenŞimşek Kandemiruniversity of kocaeliTurkey
DrRasimSimsekBilecik Seyh Edebali UniversityTurkey
Assoc Prof DrRifatOlgunAkdeniz UniversityTurkey
DrGökhanBoynoDepartment of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Van Yuzuncu Yil University, Van 65090, TürkiyeTurkey
DrDilanKalaycı AlasNear East UniversityTurkey
MrAzizullahFaiziSakarya UniversityTurkey
DrViacheslavKondratiukVinnitsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical UnivercityUkraine
MrAladdinShchaslyvyiInstitute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, National Academy of Sciences of UkraineUkraine
Prof DrVitaliiBabakGeneral Energy Institute of the National Academy of Science of UkraineUkraine
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country