Members List

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country 
DrLauraVitolaRiga Technical UniversityLatvia
DrWillyVidonaAmbrose Alli University EkpomaNigeria
MrCarlosVelásquezUniversidad de AlicanteEcuador
DrGeethaVaskuriUTHSCUnited States
Prof DrHernandoVargas-UricoecheaUniversidad del Cauca, grupo de estudio en enfermedades metabólicas, departamento de medicina internaColombia
DrOsvaldoValarini JuniorUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanaBrazil
DrOlegUzhga-RebrovsRezekne Academy of Technologies, Faculty of Engineering, Institute of EngineeringLatvia
DrHabibUllahSoutheast UniversityChina
DrBernardTWARÓGCracow University of TechnologyPoland
ProfDomenicoTrombettaUniversità di Messina Dipartimento ChiBioFarAmItaly
Assist Prof DrChristinaTrakatelliAristotle UniversityGreece
DrRenanTosinDepartment of Geosciences, Environment and Spatial Planning, Faculty of Sciences of the University of PortoPortugal
ProfJhon JerleyTorres TorresUniversidad Tecnológica del ChocóColombia
MsSu MyatThwinEwha Womans UniversitySouth Korea
DrBeatriceThielmannOtto-von-Guericke-Universität MagdeburgGermany
DrChandanaThebuwenaGalle Face Properties Limited, Malaysia University of Science & Technology, University of StavangerSri Lanka
Prof DrRolfTeschkeKLINIKUM Hanau, Goethe University Frangkfurt GermanyGermany
ProfNinaTerletskayaInstitute of Genetics and Physiology, Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.Kazakhstan
MrFerdinand GrégoireTCHODORegional Center of Excellence in Poultry Science, University of Lome, Lome BSP 1515, TogoTogo
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country