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Dr. yang guang | Animal Science | Best Researcher Award

PhD Student, Sanya Institute of China Agricultural University, China

Yangguang is a PhD student specializing in Animal Science at the College of Animal Science and Technology, Sanya Institute of China Agricultural University šŸŒ±šŸ‘. His research focuses on animal biotechnology and environmental adaptation, particularly investigating heat stress responses in livestock, especially goats šŸ. He has contributed to understanding the physiological mechanisms of heat stress and developed methods for screening genetic markers in sheep. Yangguang has published several peer-reviewed papers and holds two patents in the field of animal genetics šŸ”¬šŸ“‘. He is also leading multiple research projects aimed at improving climate resilience in livestock.

Publication Profile



Yangguang is currently pursuing a PhD in Animal Science at the College of Animal Science and Technology, Sanya Institute of China Agricultural University šŸ“š.


Yangguang has been involved in several research projects related to livestock reproduction, climate change impacts on small ruminants, and animal biotechnology. He has contributed significantly to research in heat stress adaptation and gene promoter elements. Additionally, Yangguang has been working on scientific projects as both a lead researcher and collaborator šŸ§‘ā€šŸ”¬šŸ‘Øā€šŸ”¬.

Research Interests

Yangguang’s research focuses on the intersection of animal genetics and environmental adaptation šŸŒ. His work primarily explores heat stress responses in livestock, the adaptation mechanisms of Sertoli cells under heat stress in goats, and gene screening techniques for livestock breeding šŸ”¬šŸŒ”ļø. He is particularly interested in developing methods to enhance climate resilience in farm animals through genetic and environmental adaptations šŸšŸŒ±.


Yangguang has received recognition for his contributions to animal science, including patents for his innovative research in gene promoter elements šŸ†. His work has been instrumental in advancing both the scientific understanding and practical applications of heat stress adaptation in livestock.


Development and Application of a High-Resolution Melting Analysis with Unlabeled Probes for the Screening of Short-Tailed Sheep TBXT Heterozygotes. Animals, 12(6), 792. Link

Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Sertoli Cells Adapting Through Redox and Metabolic Pathways Under Heat Stress in Goats. Genes, 15(12), 1582. Link

Generation of Sheep Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells With Defined DOX-Inducible Transcription Factors via piggyBac Transposition. Front Cell Dev Biol, 9:785055. Link

Identification of Site in the UTY Gene as Safe Harbor Locus on the Y Chromosome of Pig. Genes, 15(8), 1005. Link

A Single-Cell Atlas of an Early Mongolian Sheep Embryo. Vet. Sci., 10(9), 543. Link

Dr. yang guang | Animal Science | Best Researcher Award

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